Specialist Assessments

I provide a range of specialist assessments, including:

  • EHCP assessments

  • Autism diagnostic assessments

  • Specialist technique assessments

Further information on these specialist assessments is detailed below.

EHCP assessments

Some children have complex speech, language and communication difficulties which affect their academic progression, friendships, behaviour and confidence. You’re going to need expert advice.

A detailed assessment may be recommended if I need to carry out a thorough, ‘leave no stone unturned’ investigation. This can last between 2-3 hours and may take place over 2 sessions. Further sessions, such as a home or school/nursery visit may also be recommended. This will always be discussed and agreed with you beforehand. Following the assessment, I’ll complete a detailed analysis of any formal assessments, language samples and observations carried out at the assessment session. I will discuss my findings with you and will complete a detailed report of my evaluation and recommendations.

Autism diagnostic assessments

Are you wondering if your child has Autism? If you are, then you will need to have a diagnostic assessment.

The ADOS -2 (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule – version 2) is one of the few standardised ‘gold standard’ Autism assessments and in the U.K. is recognised by the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) as one of the key diagnostic assessment tools. Some people think that the ADOS is the test for Autism that you either pass or fail. It isn’t. The ADOS is only one part of the whole assessment process. There are other pieces of critical information that are needed to make a judgement as to whether a person meets the criteria for Autism or not. These include background information such as family history, medical information, speech, language and communication, general learning abilities and observations in social situations. It’s recommended that this information is collected from several professionals including Clinical Psychologists, Speech and language therapists, medical practitioners as appropriate such as paediatricians or psychiatrists to build a holistic picture of the person over time in terms of how they react and respond in different circumstances.

I work with different excellent Health Professional partners in delivering Autism diagnostic assessments.

If you would like to contact them directly, please do:

If you’re in the Leeds/West Yorkshire area

Northern Clinical Psychology Service

Dr Adele Parker at admin@ncps.co.uk

If you’re in the York area

Ebor Psychology

Fiona Lattimer

Robert Caswell

If you are interested in finding out more about the ADOS, take a look at my blog in my ‘Getting to Grips with SLT’ series.

Specialist technique assessments

